I don't think it would take you long to figure out where I took this picture!! I know...the bridge looked like it was on fire. I had my shutter opened for too long :( Using my fully manual Nikon FM2N camera, I put the shutter speed on "B" so that I could expose it for 30 seconds. Little did I know that 30 seconds could *burn* the bridge! I thought the night was pretty dark and totally forgot about the lights around and decorating the bridge. Although it was a half failure, I still like it, thus posted here, because of the aurora-like effect (in the center) that the picture brought about.
This rounded looking dome-like structure is the Museum of Palace (something like that) in San Francisco. It's pretty isn't it? It was beeeeeeautiful when I saw the Museum that night. There was a lake right before the Museum as you can see the water in the picture. Although it was summer time when I took the picture but the temperature was freezing, close to 50 degree or 10 degree in Celsius!!! That's night time in San Francisco. We wanted to walk to the Museum but it was too cold for my body :( Even the guys were shivering like a poor puppy! Yes, this too a little over-exposed, although not too much. Look at the *yellow* part of the structure, can't see the details :( If I remember correctly, I had it on for 20 seconds.
Yes, this is the city of Brotherly Love, Philadelphia. I took this picture at the steps of the museum, where Rambo performed his *triumphant morning jog* up the stairs in the movie. Cool...huh? I know you don't care, alright, let's talk about the picture itself instead. Again, I had my shutter speed on at 1/30 (I think) of a second. You can actually tell by the *fuzzy* images at the bottom of the picture. Those are cars that were driving by. I deliberately waited for them to zoom across my viewfinder before I took the picture. I also have another similar photo that was exposed even longer, where the cars showed up as streaks of yellow and red lines.
This is the Museum of Arts itself. This was just a part of the Museum that I took outside. I like the red structure and wanted to give the structure a darker look. I prolonged the exposure a little so that the lights behind the structure would give a silhouette effect to enhance the shape.